Summer Session Registration & Course Info
Course Registration begins on Monday, March 3 @ 8:00 am
- Registration and payment must be completed by the session deadline dates.
- If requesting financial aid, a summer application is required.Please note the Excelsior Scholarship cannot be used for summer sessions.
- Students (degree and non-degree) may enroll in a maximum of nineteen (19) credit hours during the summer session.
- Online summer courses are guaranteed. You will get the course that you sign up for.
Courses Begin Thursday, May 29
- All courses are equivalent to a full semester workload, condensed into smaller time frames.
- Current SUNY Canton students should register via UCanWeb
- A COURSE CHANGE FEE will be charged for adding or withdrawing from a course beginning May 29 for Session I and II AND beginning July 10 for Session III.
Session Dates
- Session I - May 29 - July 25
*Late registration ends on Thursday, May 29 at 4:00 pm EST
**Last day to withdraw: July 17, 11:59 PM | Withdrawal Liability - Session II - May 29 - July 3
*Late registration ends on Thursday, May 29 at 4:00 pm EST
**Last day to withdraw: June 27, 11:59 PM | Withdrawal Liability - Session III - July 10 - August 13
*Late registration ends on Thursday, July 10, at 4:00 pm EST
**Last day to withdraw: August 7, 11:59 PM | Withdrawal Liability
Please Note: Students who are eligible for Student Accessibility Services should contact that office (315) 386-7392 or ONE WEEK PRIOR to registration.
Registration Information
One-Hop Shop
012 Miller Campus Center
(315) 386-7616
Payment Deadline
Payment must be made at the time you sign up for a course. Registration is not valid and you do not have a seat in the course/courses until payment is made. If a course fills before payment is made you will not be able to register for the course. If arrangements are not made for payment by May 29 at 3:00 PM (Sessions I and II) or July 10 at 3:00 PM (Session III) your course(s) will be dropped. Please note that you will get access to your courses in Brightspace 24 hours after your bill is processed provided that your courses’ preview week has started.
Registration Deadlines:
- Thursday, May 29 at 4:00 pm - Deadline to register for classes online for Session I and II.
- Thursday, July 10 at 4:00 pm - Deadline to register for classes online for Session III.
- Summer Financial Aid Applications need to be received one day prior to the above deadlines (5/28 and 7/9) to allow time for review. All FAFSA requirements must be complete.
During the registration process you will be asked to electronically comply with two mandatory requirements for SUNY students. Please read about these requirements by viewing the Student Code of Conduct and Meningitis Compliance before you start your registration.
Summer Session Contacts
One-Hop Shop
Regular Semester Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Office Hours During Breaks and Holidays:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Student Accounts, Financial Aid & Payments
Campus Center 0012 - One Hop Shop
Phone: (315) 386-7616
Fax: (315) 386-7930
Office of the Registrar
Student Records/Transcripts
Campus Center 0012 - One-Hop Shop
Phone: (315) 386-7616
Fax: (315) 379-3819
Academic Advising
Academic Advising & First Year Programs
(315) 379-3954
School of Business & Liberal Arts
(315) 386-7328
School of Engineering Technology
(315) 386-7411
School of Science, Health & Criminal Justice
(315) 386-7401
Tuition & Fee Rates
Degree Type | Tuition |
All Certificate, Associate, Bachelor, and Non-Degree students | $295.00/credit* |
All Online – Non-NYS Residents (online only) | $353.00/credit* |
Non-NYS Bachelor's Candidates | $729.00/credit* |
*Must be eligible for current academic year.
Additional Fees:
Fee Type | Fee |
College fee | $1.70/credit |
Technology fee | $16.40/credit |
Transcript fee | $5.00 |
Parking fee (on-campus students) | $27.95 |
Withdrawal & Refund Policy
Current degree seeking students should submit withdrawal requests in UCanWeb. The withdrawal date will be the date that the withdrawal is requested. Non-degree (not matriculated at SUNY Canton) can email all pertinent information (Name, ID number, courses withdrawing from) to the Registrar’s office,, and your withdrawal will be processed on the date that the email is sent. Send notification to Notifications are based on date sent indicated on the e-mail.