Grant Writing

What You'll Learn

Fund your next project! The Grant Writing microcredential provides participants with knowledge of the grant seeking process. Identifying funding sources and most funded project types will be explored. Students will gain an understanding of the essential components of a well-written grant. Topics include a needs statement, clear goals and objectives, budget development, and evaluation tools for measuring outcomes.

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Two hands holding pens in an office.




1 semesters

Estimated Time to Complete

3 credits



Estimated Cost


Prefix Course Name Credits
SSCI 320 Grant Development Strategies 3

Skills Covered

  • Needs assessment
  • Goals and objectives development
  • Budget development
  • Evaluation tools for measuring outcomes


SUNY Canton is committed to providing the best education at an affordable cost. Microcredentials are another cost-effective way to build skills with quality courses.

Tuition & Fees

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