ID Photo Upload
Please follow the requirements below for a successful upload.
- Submit a color photo taken in the last 6 months. The photo must be a clear upright headshot (shoulders up only) and we should have room to crop all the way around your head. You should be looking directly at the camera with your eyes open. All photos that include more than the headshot will be denied. You should be the only person in the photo. We cannot accept any AI images, or any filters commonly used on social media.
- Your photo cannot be tilted. Any photos that are not upright will be denied.
- Both of your eyes must be visible and open in the photo. If you regularly wear glasses, be sure your photo does not have any glare on the lens. Sunglasses are not acceptable eyewear.
- You cannot wear a hat or head covering in your photo, unless you wear a hat or head covering for religious or medical purposes. Your full face must be visible, and your hat or head covering cannot obscure your hairline or cast shadows on your face.
- You cannot wear headphones or wireless hands-free devices.
- Submit a high-resolution photo that is not blurry, grainy, or pixelated. Do not digitally change the photo. Please, do not submit a photo with shadows, filters, holes, creases, smudges, watermarks, or that is damaged. The photo must be in one of these formats: .jpg, .gif, or .png.
- If you were a previous student at SUNY Canton, and re-enroll, you will be asked to update your id card photo. Please update it with a photo taken in the past 6 months.
Approvals may take up to 3 business days. You will receive an email regarding the acceptance or rejection of the photograph you submitted to your SUNY Canton email. If your photo upload is rejected, please submit a new one as soon as possible. If you need assistance, please email or call (315)386-7210
College Association, Inc.
34 Cornell Drive
Canton, NY 13617
Administration: 315-386-7623
CA Student Support/Meal Plans: 315-386-7624
ID Cards: 315-386-7506
Business Services: 315-386-7210
Chaney Dining Center: 315-386-7634
Campus Center Store: 315-386-7319