Emergency Management

EADM 201 FUNDAMENTALS of Emergency Management

Fall, 3 credit hours

This course presents the theories, principles, and approaches to emergency management. The whole community approach to emergency management will be a focus with the phases of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery serving as the foundation. Analyses of past incidents, emergencies, disasters, and catastrophes will be presented along with their impacts on policy formation in the development of current emergency management doctrine. The role, duties, and importance of the Emergency Manager will be discussed throughout the semester. 

EADM 205 HAZARD Assessment and Mitigation

Fall/Spring, 3 credit hours

This course focuses on a generalized understanding and an awareness of various types of threats and hazards. Central to the course is the understanding the technical cooperation regarding hazard and vulnerability assessments, planning doctrine and methodology, inclusion of hazard mitigation strategies in the formulation of projects, and resource management.

EADM 220 Emergency Management & Response

Spring, 3 credit hours

The course presents methods for communities and organizations to recognize and respond to disaster or emergency situations. It encompasses the strategies and tactics used by emergency managers and other responders and focuses on expanded proactive measures to safeguard lives and assets from natural or man-made emergencies and disasters. The course includes modules covering emergency operations planning, assessing effects and responding to high risk hazards, decreasing operational interruptions, emergency response and support functions, and maintaining community lifelines.

EADM 222 Emergency Planning

Spring, 3 credit hours

The course prepares students to help reduce the growing toll (deaths and injuries, property loss, environmental degradation, business and economic disruption associated with disasters. Students will understand process and technologies (hazards risk management process) that organize preparedness and response in a comprehensive framework that may be applied at all levels of public and private sector organizations. The course presents processes for development of personal and community/organizational emergency plans.


Fall/Spring, 3 credit hours

This course exposes students to the technical, political, and administrative elements of the federal, state, and local budgeting process. Topics will include budget formulation, execution, evaluation, and the theoretical basis for decision-making that is integral to that process.

Prerequisites: ECON 101 or ECON 103, ENGL 101, MATH 121 or MATH 141 and completion of 45 semester credit hours or permission or instructor. 


Spring, 3 credit hours

This course provides a general overview of the major legal and liability issues in emergency management. The focus is on the legal environment within which emergency managers operate, including their roles in rule-making, policy administration, and their potential personal legal liability for discretionary actions. Additional discussion of legal matters resulting from disasters and federal grant funding will enhance the course content. 

Prerequisites: Composition and the Spoken Word (ENGL 101) and Risk and Hazard Impact Studies (EADM 205) or permission of instructor.

EADM 310 Emergency Management Budgeting and Grants

Fall, 3 credit hours

This course examines the technical, administrative, and regulatory fundamentals of budgets and grants in public safety agencies. Municipal, state, and Federal fiscal management will serve as a foundation to explore more specific applications in Emergency Management, Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Fire Service, and other disciplines. Students will apply accepted fiscal management processes to develop funding proposals, incorporate grants into existing budgets, and discuss fiscal accountability.

Prerequisites: Junior or Senior status and completion of MATH GER and EADM 201

EADM 320 Recovery and Resilience

Fall, 3 credit hours

This course defines how well emergency management and other stakeholders collaborate to meet the needs of individuals, households, communities, states, and the federal government in ongoing efforts to recover from catastrophic and other incidents. The content will cover pre-disaster planning for recovery, current doctrine and principles for recovery planning and activity, present case studies of recovery from past disasters, and provide an overview of assessing resilience for disasters. 

Prerequisites: 45 credits or permission of instructor

EADM 330 Emergency Management in Public Healthcare

Fall, 3 credit hours

The emergency management function within the public health and healthcare sector is important as organizations continue to strategize to increase resilience for disasters. This course provides students an overview of the function and allows for discussion of specific emergency management competencies and strategies to prepare for, respond to, and recover from health and other emergencies. Students learn from past incidents and demonstrate an understanding of standards and programs designed to enhance emergency preparedness.

Prerequisites: 45 credits or permission of instructor

EADM 400 INCIDENT Management Systems

Fall, 3 credit hours

This course provides a detailed overview of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and includes scenarios, examples, and opportunities for students to apply what they have learned. NIMS is a framework for organizational management of emergencies and disasters used by local jurisdictions, states, and federal agencies. NIMS has been widely adopted as the standard for emergency management and unique and complementary organizational structures have been developed to provide command and coordination, resource management, and personnel competency assessment to all incidents.

Prerequisites: Hazard Assessment and Mitigation (EADM 205) or permission of the instructor.

EADM 405 Equitable EMergency Management

Fall, 3 credit hours

This course examines the issues encountered by emergency managers during disasters that may prevent the provision of emergency services and protection to all members within a community. Students will apply emergency management theory to attain protection, response, and recovery strategies that are inclusive of people with disabilities, traditionally marginalized groups, and community members who may speak different languages. 

Prerequisites: Junior or senior status


Fall/Spring 3 credit hours

This course is designed for students to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to develop, conduct and evaluate simulated emergency and disaster training activities and exercises. Students receive an overview of training and exercise needs and theory as well as techniques used to simulate realism in emergency management. During class sessions, students individually participate, assess, and evaluate training and exercises that simulate emergency and/or disaster situations.

Prerequisites/corequisites: 45 credits or permission of instructor.


Spring, 6 credit hours

The course will introduce students to emergency and disaster management training and exercise theory and doctrine. The class is presented in thirds, the first of which is an introduction and detailed information about the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP). Students will gain valuable skills in developing training and exercise objectives and develop detailed documentation for planning, conducting, and evaluating training and exercises. The second third of the course will allow students to actually create the required documentation to conduct different types of exercises. In the last third of the course, students will be divided into groups and actually participate in a discussion-based exercise involving a disaster scenario.

Prerequisite: Incident Command System (EADM 400) and Simulated Disaster Training (EADM 430) or permission of instructor. 


Fall/Spring, 3-9 credit hours

The EADM internship is an academic program integrating, classroom work and practical experience with cooperating agencies. The internship allows seniors the opportunity to apply classroom learning in emergency and disaster response associated agencies. It is a structured experience in which an intern acquires and applies knowledge and skills, while working in a responsible role.

Prerequisites: Incident Command: System Coordination & Assessment (EADM 400), senior level status in the Emergency Management program, or permission of instructor.


Fall/Spring 9 credit hours

Students will complete a senior research project specifically addressing issues in the emergency and disaster management arena. Under the guidance of a faculty mentor, the student will submit a research proposal, conduct research, prepare a thesis style report, and present a defense to a thesis committee.

Prerequisite: Incident Command: System Coordination & Assessment (EADM 400) or permission of instructor.