

Fall, 3 credit hours

This course introduces students to Esports and the fundamentals of effective Esports management. Students identify best practices in Esports management by examining case studies of the emerging Esports industry and associated stakeholders. Students explore financial, legal & ethical, marketing, and operational issues surrounding the Esports industry. Finally students explore career opportunities in Esports management.

ESPT 200 Fundamentals of Esports Technology

Spring, 3 credit hours

This course introduces students to Esports technology and the fundamentals of effective Esports technology usage. Students identify best practices in Esports technology through hands-on experience with industry-leading software. Students explore streaming, editing, hardware, and more.

ESPT 210 Esports GOvernence

Spring, 3 credit hours

This course introduces students to governing bodies and regulatory structures of Esports organizations. Students explore the structure and function of Esports governing bodies, including but not limited to: BEA, ESL, IESF, NACE, and NEA. Students also explore player bill of rights, rule sets, and conference governance structures for leagues, including but not limited to CDL, OWL, and LCS.

Prerequisites: ESPT 100 Introduction to Esports Management and BSAD 201 Business Law I

ESPT 300 Esports Content Creating and Shoutcasting

Fall, 3 credit hours

In this course, students explore the fundamentals of content creation for Esports, including video production, streaming, and social media engagement. Students further explore the art of shoutcasting, learning the techniques needed to provide engaging and informative live commentary during Esports events.

Prerequisites: ENGL 101 and 45 credits earned

ESPT 301 Esports Marketing

Spring, 3 credit hours

Students explore contemporary marketing practice and marketing career opportunities in the Esports industry. Students use marketing concepts gained in BSAD 203 Marketing to examine marketing initiatives and corresponding efficacy in Esports marketing practice. Students select an existing Esports entity, develop a marketing plan, and propose ways to improve the entity’s marketing efficacy. The course culminates in the presentation and defense of the student’s marketing plan.

Prerequisites: BSAD 203 Marketing

ESPT 305 ESPORTS MAnagement Practicum

Fall, 3 credit hours

In this course, students gain hands-on experience working with an eSports entity in an eSports management capacity. Students document their practicum activity and highlight characteristics of effective management eSports operations. Weekly class lectures allow students to share their practicum experience and debrief on the week’s activities. Students build a professional portfolio and career plan based on their practicum experience.

Prerequisites: ESPT 200 Fundamentals of eSports Technology, ESPT 210 eSports Governance, and 45 credit hours earned


Fall, 3 credit hours

In this course students apply their knowledge of Esports management and relevant functional areas of business to plan and execute an Esports event. Using case studies and interaction with Esports practitioners, students identify and apply best practices for planning and executing an Esports event. Students are required to manage an Esports event prior to completion of the course.

Prerequisite: ESPT 100, BSAD 203, ESPT 301 and 45 credits earned; or permission of instructor

ESPT 404 Advanced ESPORTS Management

Spring, 3 credit hours

This multidisciplinary course integrates concepts from Business, Management, and Esports Management. Students apply the skills acquired in their core Esports and Business Management coursework to develop a strategy for the formation of an Esports entity. Students analyze and evaluate advanced issues in governance, innovation, marketing, management, and Esports technology faced by contemporary Esports organizations. The course culminates in the production of a branded Esports event.

Prerequisite: ESPT 308 and 90 credits or permission of instructor.


Fall/Spring, 3-12 credit hours

Working in conjunction with a field supervisor, the student performs delegated work within an administrative and management setting. This is a culminating experience in which the student is expected to integrate concepts gained in previous program course work. The internship will be individualized according to the career interests of the student and the needs of the supervising organization. Internship assignments may include information gathering, analysis, planning, implementation, evaluation, and other responsibilities.

Prerequisite: Senior level status. Completion of all required ESPT courses before participation in Internship, permission of curriculum coordinator or Dean required.