Health Care Management
HSMB 101 Introduction to Health Services Management
Fall/Spring, 3 credit hours
This course introduces the student to the health care system in the United States and to the role of the health services manager. The course offers an overview of health care system components, management concepts, goal setting, budgeting, organizing, team building and leadership concepts. The importance of communication in health care management area will be stressed. Incorporated into the weekly class sessions, the instructor will have the opportunity to discuss observational experiences to acquaint the student with the management and physical makeup of health care organizations.
HSMB 200 Medical Terminology
Fall/Spring, 3 credit hours
This course provides the student with an opportunity to learn the language of medical terminology. Organized by body system, medical terms will be studied within an anatomy & physiology context. Students will learn to use word parts to build terms and decode unfamiliar language. Emphasis is placed on the Medical Record as a legal document including its format, content and the importance of documentation accuracy. Medical Coding will be introduced including classification systems, revenue cycle, and compliance.
HSMB 301 Public Health Issues
Fall/Spring, 3 credit hours
The course presents an overview of the history and development of public health. The student is provided with the opportunity to examine the current public health care system and its relevance to their practice. The fundamentals of epidemiology are covered. Applications to the students practice setting are explored. Health planning, health promotion, and global health issues are included.
Prerequisites: HSMB 101 or BIOL 209, or permission of instructor.
HSMB 302 Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care
Fall/Spring, 3 credit hours
This writing intensive course prepares the students to examine legal and ethical issues in healthcare as they impact the health services manager and others involved in healthcare decision making. A variety of commonly experienced legal situations and ethical dilemmas will be discussed, including the basics of civil and criminal healthcare law, professional liability, antitrust, managed care, organizational restructuring, patient rights, scientific research, rationing, healthcare practices, and other issues. The course also will educate students in legal research methods applied to the health services management field.
Prerequisites: HSMB 301, junior level status or permission of instructor.
HSMB 304 U.S. Healthcare Systems
Fall/Spring, 3 credit hours
The United States health care system is a large and vital segment of the United States economy. This course identifies and examines the various components of the U.S. healthcare system and the interrelationship of those components. Topics covered include healthcare in a free enterprise system, government regulations, health services access and utilization, health delivery settings, healthcare personnel, the pharmaceutical industry, public health, health insurance, managed care, quality of care, health policy, and other topics.
Prerequisites: HSMB 101, junior level status, or permission or instructor.
Fall/Spring, 3 credit hours
This course provides the student with the basic information needed to learn critical concepts of managed care. The course will include types of managed care organizations, elements of management control and governance structure, and quality management in managed care. Regulating, legal and ethical issues related to managed care will be discussed.
Prerequisite: HSMB 304, junior level status, or permission of instructor.
HSMB 306 Health Care Financing
Fall/Spring, 3 credit hours
This course provides the student with an opportunity to understand the fundamentals of the financial management of health care organizations. The course includes such topics as accounting, reimbursement methodologies, reporting and measuring financial performance, variance analysis, constructing and evaluating budgets, business planning, health care costs and expenditures, data analytics and project risk analysis.
Prerequisites: HSMB 304 or permission of instructor.
HSMB 307 Health Care Facility Administration
Fall/Spring, 3 credit hours
The course explores the overall responsibilities of an administrator in contemporary health care facilities. These responsibilities involve planning, implementation, and other management skills. To contribute to the achievement of these skills, along with a greater knowledge of health operations, the course examines health care organizational structures, operational aspects of clinical and non-clinical departments, delivery and finance system issues, quality improvement, strategic planning, decision-making, evaluation, and other administrative related topics.
Prerequisite: HSMB 304 or permission of instructor.
Fall/Spring, 1 credit
The course prepares students for the internship by: securing an appropriate site and establishing learning objectives, describing journal contents and a portfolio, establishing contracts for SUNY approval and appropriate liability insurance documentation.
Prerequisite: Senior level status or permission of instructor and a GPA of 2.5 or higher.
HSMB 309 Nursing Home Administration
Fall, 3 credits
This course is designed to help students apply the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier courses to the specific field of nursing home administration. It covers such topics as operational management, finance, human resources, residential care, and environmental management, dealing with those subjects in the context of nursing home administration.
Prerequisites: Junior level status or permission of instructor.
Fall/Spring, 3 credits
This course discusses the state of current healthcare and the role of patient safety as a professional responsibility. Students will achieve a familiarity with the definition and measurement of quality of healthcare in a variety of healthcare setting along with the drivers of quality improvement, the history of healthcare quality, the principles of quality improvement, and the integrated patient safety risk management programs that promote the national patient safety goals.
Prerequisites: HSMB 101 or permission of instructor
HSMB 311 Health Care Information Technology
Fall/Spring, 3 credits
The course provides a comprehensive overview of health information systems and technology in healthcare delivery and public health. It explores the ways in which health information technology can assist healthcare managers in setting strategic goals, budgeting, personnel management, and data collection. The course also provides students with the strategic tools for planning, selecting, building, and implementing the health information systems' platforms necessary for the direct patient care and the management of hospital and public health sectors.
Prerequisites: HSMB 304 or permission of instructor.
HSMB 312 Medical Practice Management
Spring, 3 credits
This course identifies and examines the various components of Medical Practice Management and the interrelationship of those components. It prepares students to examine principles and applications of Medical Practice Management. The course covers the history of Medical Practice, and defines various models of medical practice and the regulatory issues related to each model. It educates students on medical practice's financial, human resource, emergency, and quality management.
Prerequisites: Junior level status or permission of instructor.
HSMB 313 Corporate Compliance in Healthcare
Spring, 3 credits
This course provides the student with the information needed to learn critical concepts of corporate compliance in healthcare operations. The course will include leadership responsibility for the assessment, identification and corrective action related to operational fraud, waste and abuse potential. Elements of organizational revenue cycle and operations related to government reimbursement for its beneficiaries, along with the development of an “Effective Corporate Compliance” program, as defined by the NYS Office of Medicaid Inspector General and the federal Office of Inspector General (OIG). Regulatory, legal and ethical issues related to medical-ethical-legal compliance issues will be discussed.
Prerequisites: Junior level status or permission of instructor.
HSMB 315 Medical Coding
Spring, 3 credits
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the medical coding profession and the tools a coder uses to report inpatient and outpatient diagnoses and procedure services to health insurance plans. An emphasis is placed on learning coding concepts, guidelines, conventions and selection of compliant ICD-10-CM, ICD-10-PCS, CPT and HCPCS codes based on medical record documentation. Healthcare revenue cycle insurance and reimbursement concepts are also covered.
Prerequisites: HSMB 200 and BIOL 207 or Permission of Instructor
HSMB 316 Equity, Diversity, and Cultural Competence in Healthcare
Fall/Spring, 3 credits GER 3
The course is designed to provide students with an understanding of socioeconomic factors, which are contributing to health disparities, healthcare access, and lack of sufficient diversity in health care. The students will analyze key social justice issues relevant to health disparities and identify the features of civic discourse in a functioning pluralistic democracy, with an eye to cultivating greater health equity.
HSMB 317 Current Challenges in Healthcare
Fall/Spring, 1 credits
The course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the current challenges in health care that impact health care access, cost, quality and patient experiences. The students will analyze factors that are prevalent in managing and reshaping the health care delivery system.
Prerequisites: HSMB 101 or permission of the instructor
HSMB 318 Global Health
Spring, 3 credits
The course explores the comprehensive global public health issues and health care systems around the globe. The following global health issues will be explored: population health outcomes, communicable and non-communicable diseases, health and human rights, and socio- economic and environmental determinants of health. The students will explore various national health systems and the way those systems deliver health services.
Prerequisites: Junior level status or permission of instructor.
HSMB 319 Direct Support Professional, Front Line supervisor
Spring, 3 credits
The course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the role and responsibilities of Direct Support Professionals’ Front Line Supervisors. The students will analyze the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) core competencies, code of ethics, and the National Front Line Supervisors competencies.
HSMB 408 Internship for Healthcare Management
Fall/Spring, 3 - 12 credit hours
Working in conjunction with a healthcare mentor, the student performs delegated work within a healthcare setting. This is a healthcare culminating experience in which the student is expected to integrate concepts gained in the didactic portion of the course. The internship will be individualized according to the career interests of the student and the needs of the supervising organization. Internship assignments may include information gathering, analysis, planning, implementation, evaluation, and other responsibilities.
Prerequisites: HSMB 308 Internship Orientation and 2.5 GPA. Senior level status.
HSMB 410 Senior Seminar
Fall/Spring, 3 credit hours
This multidisciplinary capstone course integrates materials from Business and Healthcare Management courses to allow students to gain practical skills and knowledge of the health care system and the role healthcare managers have within the healthcare system. Students analyze and evaluate advanced health care issues, ACA and its provisions' impact on health care facilities, providers, and consumers. Students also study contemporary challenges by incorporating knowledge gained through health care courses and required readings.
Prerequisites: Completion of a minimum of 90 credits in the Bachelor of Healthcare Management degree or permission of instructor.