Campus Fire Safety and Prevention Plan
This section is excerpted from the Campus Emergency Evacuation and Fire Safety Plan.
The majority of College facilities are equipped with sprinkler systems and automated alarm devices. While extremely efficient, these systems do not ensure all emergency/fire situations will be suppressed.
In the event of a fire emergency, students and staff should practice the procedures associated with the acronym “RACE”.
R - Remain calm, do not panic. Rescue persons in immediate danger.
A - Alarm: Activate the nearest MANUAL PULL STATION and Call it in! See note!
C - Contain fire at point of origin by closing all doors and windows.
E - Evacuate the facility using established procedures.
To Report a Fire
From a Campus phone, dial 7777 to connect to the University Police Department. Advise University Police that there is a fire/emergency of approximate size and location (building, floor, room #, etc.).
From a cell phone, dial 315-386-7777 to connect to the University Police Department.
**Elevators: DO NOT use the elevators during an alarm. When the fire alarm sounds in an emergency situation, occupants should use the stairways to evacuate from the floors above and below the building exits.
An alert and educated student and staff member is SUNY Canton’s most valuable resource for fire protection. Fire hazards often arise from unsafe conditions and practices. Every person has a responsibility and vested interest in making a concerted effort to correct and improve their living/working conditions and practices.
Fire hazards include, but are not limited to:
SMOKING: This activity is permitted only outside in specifically designated areas.
STAIRWAYS: Never block stairway entrances, even temporarily. No obstructions should be left on steps or landings. Fire doors should always remain closed.
CORRIDORS: Corridors, hallways, and aisles must be kept clear of all obstructions (e.g., office furniture, bicycles, compressed gas cylinders, etc.) which might present a fire hazard and impede escape routes.
STORAGE AREAS: Areas used for storage should be kept clean and orderly. Accumulation of trash, rags, or debris of any type is a hazard and an unsafe condition.
FIRE PROTECTION DEVICES: Fire extinguishers, pull stations, audio visual strobes, sprinkler and smoke detectors should at all times be accessible and not blocked by any storage of items.
- Electrical cords should be placed away from aisles or other pedestrian walkways.
- Never use electrical cords that are frayed or have exposed wiring.
- Do not overload electrical outlets by using multiple extension cords, etc.
- Perform regular maintenance on all equipment. Promptly remove/repair defective equipment.
- Understand and use all pertinent safety precautions when using electrical appliances and equipment.
- Never use portable electric space heaters in any building on campus.
- Only connect portable power taps and extension cords directly into wall receptacles.
- The use of candles is prohibited in any Campus building.
- Never install replacement bulbs in lamps that exceed the maximum rated wattage.
- The use of Halogen lamps is prohibited in any Campus building.
LOADING DOCKS, LOADING AREAS: In Campus facilities, various exits are located near loading docks and/or loading areas. These areas must be kept clear of all obstructions (e.g., pallets, trash, debris, etc.) that may present a fire hazard and impede escape routes.
Building Specific Features for Fire Safety
Emergency Voice Alarm Communication Systems
The CARC or Roo’s House has an Emergency Voice Alarm Communication system which will initiate by the activation of any fire alarm detection device, sprinkler activation, or manual fire alarm pull station.
The sequence of operation is as follows: Upon activation or detection, the alarm siren will sound for 10 seconds. Then, the voice system will announce: “Attention: your attention please, there is a Fire Emergency reported in the building.” “You are to leave the building by the nearest exit or exit stairway.” “Do not use the elevators.” This message will repeat for a total of three times; then, the alarm siren will sound again until it is reset by the Fire Department.
Areas of Refuge
An area of refuge is: “an area where persons unable to use stairways can remain temporarily to await instructions or assistance during emergency evacuation.”
The Miller Campus Center has areas of refuge on the first and second floors located in the South East stairway (adjacent to the Theater). The areas contain a two-way communication system that will connect with the ground floor interior entrance from Parking Lot #13 upon activation for fire department rescue operations during an emergency.
Fire Fighter Phones
There are fire fighter telephones located in both stairwells and on each floor of the MacArthur Hall. These phones are for fire department communication only.
Operation of Critical Equipment and Processes
Kitchen staff should, if possible, ensure all cooking processes are shut down (turned off) prior to building evacuation. Faculty should ensure, if possible, that all laboratory equipment and processes are shut down prior to evacuation.
Environmental Health & Safety
Cooper Service Complex
34 Cornell Drive
Canton, NY 13617
Phone: 315-386-7631
For after hours safety emergencies
Call University Police