Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) Accessibility Taskforce
The State University of New York’s Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) Accessibility Policy (6901) was approved by the SUNY Board of Trustees on June 20, 2019. The policy promotes an accessible EIT environment throughout the University. To that end, the University seeks to proactively ensure equal and integrated access for persons with disabilities. To sustain an ongoing accessibility program, System Administration and all campuses shall develop Accessibility Plans, utilizing the following Standards, outlined in the Final Report:
- Websites and Software: Web Accessibility Standards (WAS)
- Digital Content: Digital Content Accessibility Standards (DCAS)
- Classroom Technology & Design: Classroom Accessibility Standards (CAS)
- Libraries: Library Accessibility Guidelines (LAG)
- Procurement: Procurement Accessibility Conformance Standards (PACS)
The Policy and associated Accessibility Plan requirements are structured to give campuses the flexibility to develop and support an accessibility strategy that reflects local campus needs and resources. Each plan should serve as an accessibility action strategy that will be regularly evaluated, modified, and strengthened over time—in response to changing requirements, feedback and review of outcomes and effectiveness.
Minimum core elements of each Accessibility Plan should be as follows:
- Authority and Responsibility: An assignment of roles, authority, responsibility and accountability for achieving policy compliance.
- Awareness Raising: A campaign to communicate EIT accessibility across all campus divisions and departments.
- Design: A comprehensive approach to engrain accessibility into the creation of web and technology resources.
- Procurement: A procedure to include accessibility as a requirement within purchasing processes, including centralized and decentralized purchasing activities.
- Monitoring Compliance: A means for monitoring compliance with any standards listed in this document.
- Training: A method for training all University personnel who develop, select, purchase and maintain electronic and information technologies
The EIT Accessibility Officers are responsible for setting the direction for ongoing digital accessibility efforts, including the development and oversight of the Accessibility Plan. Institutions are encouraged to develop a committee or working group to support the EIT Accessibility Officer in establishing the Plan. This group may uncover where the greatest needs are, identify risks, suggest administrative oversight, locate resources/source(s) for resources, and develop clearly defined action steps with assigned ownership for completion.
Recommendations and findings from the group are based on the research literature, best practices in the profession, data, and analytics. Members of the working group include a broad representation of stakeholders across the campus. They are:
- Co-Chair: Tonka Jokelova, Director of the Center for Learning Design, Innovation, and Online Instruction
- Co-Chair: Megan Riedl, Director of Student Accessibility Services
- Michelle Currier, School of Science, Health & Criminal Justice
- Tess Murphy, Senior Programmer - Information Services
- Kelly Peterson, School of Science, Health & Criminal Justice
- Rosemary Philips, School of Business & Liberal Arts
- Travis Smith, Director of Public Relations/Web Designer
- Megan Warren, Office of Procurement
- Leah Fitzgerald, Instruction and Outreach Librarian