
SUNY Group Total Disability Insurance Plan

Upon completion of one (1) year of full-time service with the College, faculty and professional staff will automatically be enrolled in this group long-term disability plan. Part-time faculty and staff who are eligible for benefits will also be enrolled after one year of service. There is no cost to you to enroll. The objective of this plan is to ensure that a substantial portion of your income will be protected in the event of a catastrophic illness or injury of long term duration.

The plan provides for an income of 60% of your basic monthly salary, to a maximum of $5000 per month, and also contributes a monthly premium to your retirement account while disabled. Benefits begin following six (6) months of total disability and continue during disability until age 65, or death, whichever occurs first. Disability benefits cease upon turning age 65. Further Information is contained in the pamphlet, Group Disability Insurance Program for Professional Staff available in the Human Resources Office.

Disability Retirement Allowance

ERS Members

The New York State Employees' Retirement System (ERS) provides a disability retirement allowance for its members who become permanently physically or mentally unable to perform their duties as a result of an accident or illness. Employees with at least ten (10) years of service may be eligible for an ordinary disability retirement allowance if it is determined that the employee is incapacitated.

In the case of disability resulting from an on-the-job accident or illness, employees may receive disability benefits regardless of length of service, providing the disabling event is not the result of the employee's negligence. An injured employee must file a timely written notice of the accident with their supervisor and the retirement system must be notified within ninety (90) days of the accident.

Generally, the disability benefit for Tier 4 employees will be either 1/60th (1.66%) of final average salary for each year of service, or one third (33.3%) of final average salary, whichever is greater.

More information about Disability Retirements.

TRS Members

The New York State Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) provides a disability retirement allowance for its members who become permanently physically or mentally unable to perform their duties as a result of an accident or illness. Employees with at least ten (10) years of service may be eligible for a disability retirement allowance if it is determined that the employee is physically or mentally incapacitated for performance of gainful employment. If it is determined that the disability is the result of an accident or illness not caused by your own negligence and sustained in the performance of your duties, the ten (10) year service requirement is waived.

For more information: https://www.nystrs.org/Benefits/Disability-Retirement

Social Security Disability Allowance

The US Social Security Administration provides a disability benefit to employees who are disabled to the extent that they cannot perform substantial gainful work and meet specific eligibility guidelines. The amount of disability benefit is the employees Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) at the time they become disabled. There is a five (5) month waiting period from the time a disability is determined until benefits begin. Benefits may be reduced if the employee is receiving payments under a workers' compensation or other disability plan. Additional information is available in the Human Resources Office or directly from the local Social Security Administration office.

View Social Security webpage