Leaves of Absence
Sabbatical Leave
Academic employees and certain administrative officers, with at least six (6) years of consecutive College employment, or those who have completed at least six (6) years of service since their last sabbatical leave, are eligible for sabbatical leave.
The objective of sabbatical leave is to increase your value to the College through planned travel, study, formal education, research, writing, and/or other experience of professional value.
Sabbatical leaves may be granted for periods of one year at rates not to exceed one-half basic annual salary or for periods of one-half year at rates not to exceed full basic annual salary.Eligible employees on sabbatical leave may, with prior approval, accept fellowships, grants-in-aid, or earned income. In such cases, the sabbatical leave salary may be adjusted to reflect such income; however, in no case shall the sabbatical leave salary be reduced if the total anticipated earnings are less than an employee's full basic salary. You do not earn vacation or sick leave credits while on sabbatical leave. You must agree in writing to serve a minimum of one year upon return, and you must submit a report of professional activities and accomplishments while on sabbatical leave.
Jury Attendance Leave
Whenever an employee is required to serve on a jury or is subpoenaed or otherwise ordered to be a witness in court, he/she is entitled to leave with pay without charge to leave credits, providing they are not a party to the court action. (Please Choose Jury Duty for Non Chargeable type in Time and Attendance). A copy of the jury summons and a signed time sheet from the court should be submitted with the monthly attendance report to show proof of attendance each day.
Other Leaves for Faculty and Professional Staff
The President may grant other leaves of absence for employees at full salary or reduced salary, or may grant employees leaves of absence without salary. Consistent with the Policies of the Board of Trustees, a Title F leave may be granted "for the purpose of professional development, acceptance of assignments of limited duration with other universities and colleges, government agencies, foreign nations, private foundations, corporations and similar agencies, as a faculty member, expert, consultant or in a similar capacity, or for other appropriate purposes consistent with the needs and interests of the University." Leaves of absence at full or reduced salary shall be reported to the Chancellor.
Military Leave
Military Leave with Pay
Under section 242 of the New York State Military Law, reservists and National Guard members are eligible for paid leave while performing ordered military duty for 30 calendar days or 22 workdays (whichever provides the greater benefit to the employee) in any calendar year or continuous period of absence which spans more than one calendar year.
Employees are required to submit their duty orders to their supervisors in advance. Military leave with full pay may not be used in less than full day units. Regular days off and shift assignments are not be rescheduled to avoid military drills during working hours.
Other Leaves of Absence
Leaves of absence, with or without pay, may be available to all employees for sufficient cause, such as ordered military duty, family medical care or as may be prescribed by law. Each case is considered on its individual merits.
Further information is available from the Human Resources Office.