Faculty Resources
This page contains resources beneficial to faculty teaching and developing courses. Some items specific to SUNY Canton require authentication.
If you have suggestions, comments, or think of other materials you might find helpful, please reach out to us at cldioi@canton.edu.
Professional Development

Teaching Online
SUNY Canton Resources
Start Teaching
Brightspace Information Center
SUNY Canton's Academic Integrity Policy
Semester Preparation Checklist
Preview Week Process for Faculty
Sample Message to Students for Preview Week
Student Resources – Instructor Announcement Sample
Best Practices when Teaching Online
Evaluating Your Online Courses
Class Collaborate – Getting Started
Class Collaborate for Participants
Download Recordings in Class Collaborate
Regular & Substantive Interaction
Creative Discussion Boards Series - Syllabus Check-in
Creative Discussion Boards Series - Group Work
Creative Discussion Boards Series – Student Prompts
Creative Discussion Boards Series – Case Studies and Role-Playing
Creative Discussion Boards Series – Informal Check-ins
Teaching Accessibly
Editing Captions in Brightspace’s Media Library
Brightspace Tidbits
Brightspace Copy Course or Components
SUNY Online Resources
SUNY Online Exam Proctoring System
Interested in Teaching Online? (Course for professional development)
Teaching with Artificial Intelligence
Teaching with Artificial Intelligence

Workshops and Training
Spring 2025 Live Workshop Schedule
CLDIOI will be hosting live sessions both in-person and online during the Spring 2025 semester. Topics to be covered include accessibility, course design, student support, technology, and our new "Visionary Innovations and Strategies" series, hosted by SUNY Canton faculty.
For the complete lineup, please check out the Spring 2025 CLDIOI Workshop Schedule.
Recordings are also available in the Instructor Resources shell in Brightspace.
Brightspace Course Design Institute
Join us in the Brightspace Course Design Institute! This five-step program covers Brightspace and its many tools, as well as information and insights on pedagogy, course design, and online instruction. The steps are cumulative and must be completed sequentially. To register for Step 1, please complete the Brightspace Course Design Institute Step 1 Registration Form.
For Step 1 of the Institute, you can either work through the module self-check quizzes at your own pace and complete the Comprehensive Quiz to move into Step 2. Or, if you feel confident in your understanding of Brightspace, you can take the Comprehensive Quiz without completing the self-check quizzes. Scoring 90% or higher on the Comprehensive Quiz will automatically enroll you in Step 2.
If you have successfully completed both Steps 1 and 2 of the Institute, please use our Brightspace Course Design Institute Step 3 Registration Form to continue to Step 3.
To reach the final frontier of the Brightspace Course Design Institute, you must complete Step 4! Join us to take a deep dive into the various OSCQR standards and learn how they can be used to enhance your course design and instruction. To register for Step 4, please use our Brightspace Course Design Institute Step 4 Registration Form.
For past webinar recordings and other resources, please check out our Instructor Resources shell. For more information on how to access this shell, please view our Instructor Resources Shell Access

Faculty Mentors
Course Design and Instruction Faculty Mentors - If you would like assistance with the development or instruction of your online course, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our wonderful Mentors.
Brightspace MentoROOS - If you would like to work with a mentor in Brightspace, please check out our list of Brightspace MentoROOS.
CLDIOI Shining Stars

Many instructors have been working hard to complete the Center for Learning Design, Innovation and Online instruction's Course Design Institute. Level 3 – Influencer of the Course Design Institute asks that participants serve as a mentor for a colleague completing the course development process. The following instructors have served as a mentor and made a positive influence on SUNY Canton’s online course quality. Be sure to read the testimonials from their mentees!

Gradebook Gladiators: Unleash Your Grading Power
Our Gradebook Gladiators have successfully completed the Gradebook Gladiators: Unleash Your Grading Power certification program with SUNY Canton’s Center for Learning Design, Innovation, and Online Instruction. Gladiators have successfully created and submitted two efficient and well-designed Brightspace gradebooks AND attended a gradebook editing session!

Syllabus Spartans
Our Syllabus Spartans have successfully completed the Syllabus Spartans Training Challenge with SUNY Canton’s Center for Learning Design, Innovation, and Online Instruction. Spartans have created two fully accessible, accurate, and well-designed Syllabus documents for the Fall 2024 semester. Congratulations, Spartans, and thank you for your hard work!

Digital Accessibility Advocates
Campus members who successfully completed the Digital Accessibility Challenge become SUNY Canton Digital Accessibility Advocates. The Challenge task is to create a document containing accessible headings, a list, an image, and a url link, and email it to cldioi_training@canton.edu. The Challenge explores these digital accessibility topics (please note the handouts are being edited to reflect our current LMS):

OSCQR Certified Faculty
CLDIOI and the Online Learning Committee (OLC) hosted a SUNY Canton OSCQR Certification program. Several faculty members completed the program and became SUNY Canton OSCQR Certified Faculty.
Course Development

Course Development
Online Course Development Shell Form

Creating Accessible Content
Create Accessible Products (by Section 508.gov)
Create accessible content in Brightspace
Accessibility in Brightspace
Tips for Accessible Course Design
Ally FAQ
Video: Ally is Your Ally
Accessible Powerpoint
How to Enable Automatic Captions (ASR) in Panopto
Media Captioning Request Form (for ASR-enabled Panopto videos)
Sharing Panopto videos in courses

College governance-approved Required Online Syllabus
CLDIOI OSCQR-friendly Syllabus (optional)
CLDIOI Course Schedule template (optional)

Time on Task
Online courses focus on total time on task to mirror ‘seat time’ in traditional instruction and the conventional academic credit model (in which one college credit requires 15 hours of classroom time plus two additional hours of homework time per hour of classroom time). For example, time on task for viewing three, 15-minute lectures (text or video), with web links would equal 1 hr. Posting to discussions (original post, responses to three classmates’ posts, responses to responses) would equal 2 hours. Small group project meetings (web conference or asynchronous discussion) would equal 1 hour. The College’s Center for Learning Design, Innovation, and Online Instruction provides faculty with guidance on converting online learning activities to time on task to calculate equivalent hours to meet the requirements of the academic credit model. Students complete no less than three hours of equivalent work per credit per week in online courses.


Federal Textbook Adoption Dates:
The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) requires all institutions receiving federal financial aid to "publish," in time for registration, a list of all required and recommended books and other course materials for all classes offered at the institution.

Approved Online Courses
- Approved Online Course List (All schools are included in list)
Online Learning Committee (OLC)
- Course Reviewer Notes
Pre-Assessment OSCQR Rubric- (After opening, go to File > Save As > Download a Copy. This will allow you to save and edit the document)
- Printable Pre-Assessment OSCQR Rubric
- (After opening, Go to file > and choose "Print". This will allow for printing of this version of the rubric.)

FLEX Course Review
FLEX courses must be fully developed for online delivery in accordance with the College approved OSCQR Rubric, with the exception of lecture recordings. Recorded lectures should be posted following class sessions and must be accessible (i.e., have to be captioned) once posted to the course. Course Developers may include a "Lecture Recording" content folder in each module when designing FLEX courses. In addition, it is recommended written lecture notes are present in the course at the time of review.
Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property Rights
Copyright protection is automatic and begins when your work is permanently recorded. This means that you can't copyright your ideas, only the recorded product of your ideas. You are not required to include a copyright statement or register your copyright but there are advantages to doing so (needed if taking legal action, less appealing to plagiarism sites that upload faculty materials). The Library can provide assistance and resources on copyright rules and responsibilities.
Emerging Technologies

- Ally (Accessibility Tool in Brightspace)
- Grammarly (Online proofreading and editing tool)
- ReadSpeaker (Accessibility and translation tool in Brightspace)
- Draft Coach by Turnitin