SUNY Canton
Student portraits for People Like Me.

Jack Hyland

Jack Hyland

Jack Hyland is a Technological Communications major from Baldwinsville. Jack also plays Overwatch for the SUNY Canton esports program.

“Joining the esports team has been nothing but fun for me,” he said. “I’ve met so many people who I get to have fun with almost every week.”

His favorite class is Comic Books as Literature, with his favorite faculty member, Douglas V. Rose.

“Relationships are important, no matter who it's with," Jack said. "Friends, family, teachers, or anyone else; having a strong relationship to depend on is beyond important,”

Jack's lifelong dream is to create media where he can share his crafted stories. “I have spent a lot of time making characters, dynamics, and worlds,” he said. “This program helps me make sure my stories are perfect,” he said.

Jack is on track to graduate in 2027.

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