SUNY Canton
Student portraits for People Like Me.

Emily Crossway

Emily Crossway holds the book Chick-A-Boom-Boom in the Early Childhood lab.

Early Childhood major Emily Crossway of Adams embarked upon a journey of personal growth and transformation at SUNY Canton.

“My SUNY Canton story began with shyness and hesitation,” Emily said. “During my first few weeks, I kept to myself, unsure of where I fit in. Over time, I pushed myself to get involved in campus activities and started meeting new people.”

Emily grew more self-assured by stepping out of her comfort zone and engaging with others. She also flourished with the guidance and inspiration of SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor Maureen Maiocco and Senior Lecturer Christina Martin.

“Dr. Maureen Maiocco is my favorite professor and one of the most passionate people in the profession,” Emily said. “Her commitment to empower all future educators by teaching us engaging and developmentally appropriate teaching methods is incredible. I aspire to be an educator as welcoming and supportive as Dr. M.”

She is passionate about creating engaging learning experiences for young children. Her hands-on education includes working as a preschool teacher, presenting award-winning lesson plans, and participating in community activities like Canton Free Library’s Brown Bear Ramble.

Emily is also a Student Ambassador for the Office of Admissions, where she represents the college and gets to share her personal experiences with prospective students and their families. “It has also helped me develop leadership and communication skills that will benefit me in my future career,” she said.

She graduates from the Early Childhood program in May 2025 and plans to continue her education in the four-year Applied Psychology program.

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