SUNY Canton
Student portraits for People Like Me.

Briannah Isaac

Briannah Isaac

In a few weeks, senior Briannah Isaac will be the first in her family to graduate from college.

Without a roadmap to follow, the four-year journey to finish her Graphic and Multimedia Design degree and minor in Marketing Management was something she did mostly on her own. Briannah said she often had to work two or three jobs simultaneously while taking classes full-time.

“Today, I look at how far I have come and understand pursuing a degree was one of the best choices I ever made,” she said. “College will not only broaden your horizons, but connect you to endless opportunities.”

Even with so many demands on her time, Briannah always believed in helping others through her work as a Resident Assistant, Student Ambassador, or Library Learning Associate.

“Whether listening to someone grieve about the loss of a loved one, helping to eliminate a conflict, or assisting with academics, I have developed many relationships on campus by being whatever kind of support is needed.”

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