SUNY Canton
Student portraits for People Like Me.

Kara DeWeese

Kara DeWeese

For Kara DeWeese of Queensbury, horses and the stock market share commonalities. The junior Finance major has used SUNY Canton to help start her career with the end goal of restarting her equestrian enthusiasm.

“I started at a bigger school, but it wasn’t a good fit,” Kara said. “It’s really hard to absorb knowledge in a large lecture setting. Now that I’m at SUNY Canton, I much prefer the way the professors teach. We do a lot of projects and I’ve had a lot of in-class hands on experiences.”

Following extensive work with the college’s Ready Center, Kara has been accepted into the Summer Analyst Program at Goldman Sachs. “I can’t wait to have my first experiences in the finance world,” she said. “I’m definitely going to be learning from the best.”

Her favorite faculty and staff members include Lecturer Sirvan Rahmati, who teaches math, and Assistant Director of Career Services Katie Kennedy, who works with Kara in the Ready Center.

“My favorite class is Business Communications,” she said. “When I take classes outside of math, accounting, or finance I tend to learn a lot and work on my weaknesses.”

As an avid horse rider and enthusiast, Kara has previously worked with Canadian Olympian Kelli Temple, who rode in equestrian events in the 1996 Olympics. She went on to work with two-star show jumper Grant Seger, where she helped manage and groom his horses.

“I collaborated with other professionals to increase the chances of a positive performance from amazing horses,” she said. “I slowly learned that horses were like stocks, they can’t talk but when you manage them super closely you feel like they can.”

She noted that horse riding is a difficult sport because of the financial obligation, but it’s something she would like to come back to in the future.

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