SUNY Canton
Student portraits for People Like Me.

Richard Haller

Richard Haller

Richard Haller of Richville is a freshman at SUNY Canton planning to major in Technological Communications. He has lived in the North Country his whole life and chose Canton because it was close to home.

“I was homeschooled throughout my entire K-12 education,” he said. “Going to college has been quite the adjustment for me, but I’ve really been enjoying my time here so far. I’m planning on going into Technological Communications because it seems to be the major at SUNY Canton that combines artistic talent with practical work that’ll allow me to get a good paying job that I’ll love after college.”

Richard also has interests in both sociology and political science, and he hopes to obtain a sociology minor. All the faculty at SUNY Canton have supported his passions and inspired him to pursue his interests. “My favorite instructor is Dr. Daniel McLane, who teaches sociology,” he said. “I find his method of teaching to be both entertaining and laid back. He genuinely cares for his students and puts them first in the classroom.”

Richard doesn’t know what he wants to do after graduation yet, but he hopes to get a career in a field where he can help others. “Teaching or counseling are careers I’ve always thought about, it’s very likely that I’ll work in an educational environment,” he said.

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