SUNY Canton
Student portraits for People Like Me.

Kelly Hu

Kelly Hu

Kelly Hu of New York City came to SUNY Canton for the Graphic and Multimedia Design program. She has loved drawing since she was six years old and has always wanted to learn new styles and approaches to develop her art.

“I wanted to be somewhere else other than New York City because I wanted the responsibilities of living on my own,” Kelly said. “Canton is a totally new experience because it's very different from where I live. Starting out as a freshman it was initially difficult for me because my family wasn’t there to move me in, and I didn’t know anyone yet.”

To become more involved on campus, Kelly decided to join the College Activities Board and later pledged to become a sister with Kappa Xi Omega sorority, Inc. Through her involvement on campus, she has learned many responsibilities and skills to help her succeed.

Kelly’s favorite class this semester is 3D Design. “Everyone that I’ve talked to are very nice and always try to help me out anyway they can if I have any issues,” she said.

After graduation Kelly plans on using her skills to become a graphic designer.

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