SUNY Canton
Student portraits for People Like Me.

Nicholas Oddey

Nicholas Oddey

Nicholas Oddey of Malone is a sophomore in SUNY Canton’s Criminal Investigation program. He said he chose SUNY Canton because it was only a half-hour away from his home, so it’s easy to go see his family.

“SUNY Canton also has a great Criminal Investigation program, which is the major I wanted to enroll in,” he said. “I also enjoy the smaller campus size with fewer people, as I find it easier to connect with professors and meet other people this way. This semester, my favorite class has been Law Enforcement Communications taught by my favorite Professor, Alan Mulkin."

Nicholas said he particularly enjoyed the college’s Carnival of Clubs, which is held to introduce new students to all the student-run organizations available at the college. “Each club had an activity to participate in to get to know the members of the club, and I found all of them very fun,” Nicholas said.

After graduation, Nicholas plans on becoming a New York State Trooper and eventually work his way up to become a detective. “I've really enjoyed my time here at SUNY Canton, and I can't wait to see what the next two years have in store for me,” he said.

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