There shall be a chief administrative officer of each state-operated institution of the university who shall be designated president. Presidents shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees after receipt of recommendations of the campus councils (or of the Trustees of the College of Environmental Science and Forestry) and of the Chancellor, and shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees. Before making its recommendations the campus council shall consult with a presidential search committee designated for such purposes by the chair of the council and comprised of members of the various campus constituencies, including faculty, students, professional employees, administration, alumni and members of the council. Reflecting the significance of the role that faculty are expected to play in academic governance, the faculty should predominate among the non-council constituencies on the search committee. The Chancellor, or designated representative, before making recommendations to the Trustees, shall consult with the chair or other designated representative of the College Council.
At any time during the period of appointment, the Board of Trustees and the Chancellor may evaluate the services of the chief administrative officer.
A chief administrative officer, upon appointment, shall be appointed by the Chancellor to the faculty of the University in a position of academic rank with continuing appointment.
The chief administrative officer of each college shall be responsible to the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees for, and shall administer, the College for which he or she serves, and shall promote its development and effectiveness. The chief administrative officer shall supervise the members of the professional and non-academic staff of such college and shall appoint or recommend to the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees persons for appointment as members of the professional staff of the College. The chief administrative officer shall prepare and recommend the annual budget requests of the College and shall report and make recommendations to the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees and the College council concerning the operation, plans and development of the College. The chief administrative officer shall make all appointments of employees to positions at the College in the classified service of the civil service of the State.
The chief administrative officer of each college shall be responsible for the preparation and publication of a college handbook, subject to the approval of the Chancellor. Such handbook should include an administrative organization chart, a statement of administrative responsibilities, faculty bylaws, local policies and such other information concerning the College as he or she may deem advisable and shall be made available to all members of the academic staff of the College.
On or before September 1 of each year the chief administrative officer of each college shall make an annual report to the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, the College Council and the faculty for the previous year, concerning the affairs of the College and recommendations with respect thereto.