Athletics Logo - The Kangaroo

Kangaroo Logos

Kangaroos are fiercely competitive and are respected for their strength and agility. These characteristics can clearly be identified with athletic prowess and success. The Kangaroo also captures the essence of how the college has survived and now thrives. In addition, it represents the boldness of moving forward to four-year athletics and the NCAA.

Athletics Colors

Pantone PMS 347 PMS 288 PMS 465 PMS 428
Web #00A160 #004B8D #CFAB7A #CFD4D8
RGB R:0, G:161, B:96 R:0, G:75, B:141 R:207, G:171, B:122 R:207, G:212, B:216
CMYK C:100, M:0, Y:86, K:3 C:100, M:67, Y:0, K:23 C:20, M:32, Y:58, K:0 C:2, M:0, Y:0, K:18

If you have any questions, or need different versions of logos than those available, please contact the Publications Project Coordinator at or 315-386-7828.

Office of Public Relations
French Hall 201
34 Cornell Drive
Canton, NY 13617
Phone: 315-386-7300