Campus Space Reservation Information

EMS Reservation steps

Reserve a Space on Campus

  • Sign in: Use your NetID to login to the EMS system
  • Once you have signed in, you will see your reservation template choices (listed below). (If you see more choices, please contact us.)


  • Reserve Academic Classroom – Faculty/Staff
  • Request Use of Academic Lab – Faculty/Staff
  • Request Use of Non-academic Space – Faculty/Staff
  • Faculty/Staff Request Room When Building is Closed (this is for academic spaces)


  • Request Non-academic Space for Event or Meeting
  • Click on the one that is appropriate for your reservation needs.
  • (Faculty/Staff Example ~ Want to reserve a non-academic space for a meeting?  Choose “Request Use of Non-academic Space – Faculty/Staff”; click “Book Now.”)
  • (Student Example ~ Want to reserve a non-academic room for a study session?  Choose “Request Use of Non-academic Space”; click “Book Now.”)
  • Follow the steps along the left side of the screen to fill in the reservation details.  (The more details provided the smoother the reservation experience.)
  • Click “Next Step” at the top right when you are ready to move to the next step. (You will notice that your requests/selections will appear on the right of the screen.)
  • Select “Create Reservation,” once you have entered everything.

Academic Classroom Space are reserved/approved automatically upon creation of the reservation, if the space is available (see Academic Classroom Space section below for further stipulations).  (Note: Academic Classroom Space reservations that involve more than just the room (i.e., catering, outside guests, etc.) require additional review/approval by Special Events; requester must contact Amber Baines –; (315) 386-7918.)

Non-academic Space (Campus Center, MPRs, Rendezvous, outdoor spaces, etc.) is entered into the system as “requested” upon creation of the reservation. You will receive a summary of your request via email; however, the reservation still needs to be reviewed and approved – for faculty/staff, it will be done by Special Events, and for SGA Clubs/Organizations and Greek Life, it will be done by Rob Bruce.

Academic Classroom and Lab Space

  • Academic Classroom space is available on academic weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and can be reserved if available upon the time of request. Remember that you may need card access for certain rooms, which will require additional steps.
  • Afterhours/Weekend Reservation Requests – if you need to reserve an academic classroom or lab space on the weekend or at other times when the academic buildings are locked, please first consider spaces in the Miller Campus Center.  If those spaces are not suited for your meeting/event or are unavailable, you will need to click on “Faculty/Staff Request Room When Building is Closed,” so that arrangements may be made in advance for building access, security, HVAC, etc.
  • Students are NOT permitted to request academic space. An advisor or instructor must submit the request for student groups.
  • Lab space and specialty rooms will require additional approval and may take additional approval time. Reservations require a lead time of seven days. Remember that you may need card access for certain rooms, which will require additional steps.
  • Academic space reservations that involve more than just a space (i.e. catering, outside guests, etc.), require additional review/approval by Special Events; requester must contact Amber Baines –; (315) 386-7918.

Non-Academic Space - Faculty/Staff

(Campus Center, MPRs, Rendezvous, outdoor spaces, etc.)

  • All faculty/staff requesting non-academic space for any event or meeting on campus must make reservations a minimum of two weeks in advance. *Contact Amber Baines, Special Events Coordinator, (315-386-7918) directly in cases where special exceptions are needed.*
  • All faculty/staff event reservations (meeting, conference, workshop, etc.) are coordinated and approved by Amber Baines, Special Events Coordinator.
  • When requesting a reservation, please provide complete details.
  • All budgets and funding must be approved and in place prior to your requested space being confirmed.
  • You will be notified of the status of your reservation request. Please watch for these notifications, and please respond if more information is required.
  • Reservation Edits/Cancellations – Edits and cancellations of a reservation can be done through the everyday user app when it is in the status of “requested.”  Once it moves from that status, the requester must contact Amber Baines directly –; (315) 386-7918.

Non-Academic Space - Student Government Association Clubs/Organizations and Greek Life

(Campus Center, MPRs, Rendezvous, outdoor spaces, etc.)

  • All SGA Clubs/Organizations and Greek Life members, and their advisors, requesting non-academic space (Campus Center, MPRs, Rendezvous, outdoor spaces, etc.) for any event, meeting, or practices in the Miller Campus Center must reserve space a minimum of 24 hours (1 day) in advance.
  • All SGA Clubs/Organizations and Greek Life event reservations (meeting, event, practice, etc.) are coordinated and approved by Rob Bruce in Student Activities.
  • When requesting a reservation, please provide complete details.
  • You will be notified of the status of your reservation request. Please watch for these notifications, and please respond if more information is required.

Spaces NOT Reservable on EMS

  • CARC (Roos House) | Patrick Harrington –; (x7510)
  • Center for Diversities and Inclusion (Miller Campus Center, Rm 222) | Lashawanda Ingram –; (x7128)
  • Cook Hall 121 – Conference Room | Dean’s Office (x7401)
  • French Hall Lower Conference Room | Admissions (x7123)
  • French Hall Upper Conference Room | Michele Lespearance –; (x7325), Megan Warren –; (x7012), Amanda Rowley –; (x7559)
  • MacArthur Hall 620 – Conference Room | 6th Floor Support Staff:

Rebecca Blackmon –; (x7686)
Renee Campbell –; (x7202)
Shelly Thompson –; (x7425)
Michaela Young –; (x7049)

Technical Issues/Training Requests

EMS is meant to make our scheduling and reservation process more efficient and automated, by allowing everyone to make reservations online. If, however, you experience any issues – technical or otherwise – and/or would like training or have questions, please contact Amber Baines –; (315) 386-7918.

Special Events Coordinator
Amber Baines
Phone: 315-386-7918