NYS Sport Officiating

The Officiating microcredential provides participants with training and practical experience in officiating sports and the knowledge and expertise necessary to officiate with the New York State Public High School Athletic Association. This microcredential is based on the best practices pertaining to the National Federation, RefRep. and the New York State Public High School Athletic Association. Participants will learn the fundamentals of sports officiating to step on the field or court with confidence. This microcredential engages learners in the fundamental definitions, rules, and mechanics of sports officiating needed to take the first step in becoming a NYS certified sports official.

A football official with back facing, holds one arm up during a game.

A portion of this course will use the RefReps Officiating Education System (learn.refreps.com) to deliver video-based interactive online modules on a Learning Management System created by RefReps. Each module is aligned with the corresponding sections of the NFHS Rulebook for the sport and includes downloadable resources which deepens the learner’s understanding of the topic.

*This microcredential is offered through the SUNY Canton BBA Sports Management program.

Register Now


$550 (includes one sport, but additional sports can be purchased for $50/sport)

Cohort #1

January 20 – May 9 (15 weeks – fully online)

Cohort #2

March 17 – April 21 (4 weeks – fully online)

Liz Brown, Executive Director
Workforce, Community, and Industry Partnerships
SUNY Canton
34 Cornell Drive
Canton, NY 13617

Phone: 315-386-7504