Requirements to Enter
Students must be citizens of the United States of America or lawfully residing within the United States of America. Students may not be convicted of a felony.
Basic Course for Police Officers:
I. In-County Sworn Police Officers
By agreement between SUNY Canton through the David Sullivan - St. Lawrence County Law Enforcement and the law enforcement leadership (Sheriff and local Police Chiefs) in St. Lawrence County, SUNY Canton will not charge In-County Sworn Police Officer student/cadets a tuition fee if no college credit is requested. The law enforcement leadership (Sheriff and local Police Chiefs) will provide certified police instructors to instruct in the annual St. Lawrence County Law Enforcement Academy, as needed.
If college credit is desired, the police officer must matriculate through the Admissions Office and pay the full semester tuition and fees. Each officer is responsible for uniforms, textbooks, equipment, $75.00 gym fee, $300.00 lab fee, $42.50 parking and vehicle registration fees if driving their personal vehicles onto campus. There is no fee for Police Vehicles.
Financial aid questions can be answered by calling the Financial Aid office at 315-386-7616 or emailing
* Full Time Police Agencies will be billed by the university.
* Part Time Police Agencies - individual hired officers - will be billed as a individual
II. Out-of-County Sworn Police Officers
On a space available basis, out of county sworn police officers will be admitted to the David Sullivan - St. Lawrence County Law Enforcement Academy upon receipt of payment of a $1,500.00 entrance fee. By agreement, the course audit fee is waived but each of these officers must complete a course audit form issued to them by the Academy Director.
Each officer is responsible for uniforms, textbooks, equipment, $75.00 gym fee, $500.00 lab fee, $42.50 parking and vehicle registration fees if driving their personal vehicles onto campus. There is no fee for Police Vehicles.
On-campus housing is available to the officer as follows:
- Housing available on a space available basis.
- Housing needs can be arranged through Office of Residence Life at 386-7513.
- See Housing Charges under Tuition and Fees.
A choice of meal plans is available along with Roo Express Accounts. The Roo Express can be used at any food operation and the Campus Store. Officers living off campus/commuting can purchase Roo Express accounts at any amount for use at food services, vending machines and campus stores. Questions can be answered by calling the College Association Office at 315-386-7624.
* Full Time Police Agencies will be billed by the university.
III. SUNY Canton Criminal Justice Students and Transfers
Police Academy admission is not only based on seating availability in which Hired Officers take priority over all others, but that the Police Academy Director must also feel confident that any student allowed in to the academy will not be a distraction, hindrance or impede the training of the Hired Officers.
- Completed Police Academy applications are to be returned to the Director of the Police Academy. Applications can be dropped off in full (incomplete applications will be discarded) at the Police Academy Office in Dana Hall or the SUNY Canton University Police Department, located in the same vicinity, from September 1st through November 1st each year.
The Requirements to Apply are:
- Currently enrolled in their last year of their four (4) year degree - matriculated through SUNY.
- A minimum of 2.5 GPA prior to application for admission to the Police Academy.
- Approval by the Director of Police Academy.
- Background investigation completed by a St. Lawrence County Law Enforcement Agency, if required by the Academy Board of Directors.
- Oral interview by the Board of Directors of the David Sullivan-St. Lawrence County Law Enforcement Academy.
- Enrollment in 15 credits of JUST 430, Culminating Experience in CJ
- If accepted into the police academy: All fees (Tuition, Lab, Housing, Roo Accounts, Vehicle Reg./Parking, equipment, uniforms, textbooks) to be paid at the Student Service Center, lower level of the Miller Campus Center, in full by December 15th.
- Textbooks, uniforms, and equipment are the responsibility of the student/cadet (see Police Academy - Director for details).
- Must comply with all of the policies, procedures and regulations of the Police Academy.
David Sullivan - St. Lawrence County Law Enforcement Academy
SUNY Canton
34 Cornell Drive
Wicks Hall
Canton, NY 13617
Phone: 315-386-7136
Fax: 315-386-7949