Student Advising

The office of Advising and First Year Programs is here to assist you with your transitions - we want to provide you with the information you need to make wise and informed decisions.

Sharon Tavernier advises two students.

Forms/Links for Students

Reference pages:

How-to guidelines (text with pictures):



Sharon Tavernier advises two students on program pathways.

How to Prepare for a Meeting with an Advisor
(for new students)

This meeting is your opportunity to find out what is required for your degree and have some input into your first semester schedule. The advisor you work with will not be your permanent advisor, but is familiar with your degree program. You can make the most of this appointment by showing up prepared. 

  • Make an appointment for a time when you can devote your attention to talking with the advisor. If you come in person, put your phone away. If you talk with an advisor by phone then turn off other notifications and schedule at a time when you can also be at a computer. This is an important step in your college success, so you really want to be ready to listen and participate.
  • You should have some materials ready:
  • Let the advisor know of any other commitments that you need to work around (athletic practice, work schedule, day care hours, part-time attendance, etc.)
  • Review the course offerings for Fall semester on UCanWeb (you can also log in to UCanWeb then go to ->Student Registration & Records -> Registration -> Look Up Classes)
  • Make a list of any questions that you have.
  • Be open to suggestions for courses, but bring your own ideas.
  • Don't forget that it is your responsibility to go ahead and schedule your classes on UCanWeb! The advisor does not do this for you!!


How to Prepare for a Meeting with an Advisor (for continuing students)

Registration time is often the first time you are required to find your faculty advisor. That person can be a great resource for you as you navigate through your coursework. To make the most of this meeting, show up prepared.

  • Make an appointment with your faculty advisor a few days in advance and remember to keep it.
  • Review your degree checklist. Use UCanWeb to view your transcript and your Degree Evaluation. Then come up with a list of courses you think you should take next.
  • Identify the courses you are currently taking and be honest about any that will need to be retaken (log in to UCanWeb, click Student Menu > UCanWeb9 Registration Menu > View Registration Information, then select the current semester in the dropdown).
  • Identify some potential courses for next semester and look at the class schedule to see if/when they are offered.
  • Make a list of questions related to scheduling, including course content, pre-requisites and possible career areas.
  • Remind your advisor, if necessary, of your own scheduling needs - attending part-time, online or only on certain days.
  • Be open to suggestions for courses, and bring your own ideas. Electives can help to enhance your degree by tailoring it to your personal goals.
  • Don't forget that it is your responsibility to go ahead and schedule your classes on UCanWeb! The advisor does not do this for you!!!

Advising & First Year Programs
Miller Campus Center 224
Canton, NY 13617

Mon - Fri. 8:00am - 4:30pm
Fax: 315-386-7980