Commencement Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

General Questions

Is there anything I need to do to make sure I am eligible to walk at the Commencement ceremony?

If you plan on attending the Commencement ceremony in May 2025, the online Apply to Graduate form on UCanWeb must be submitted by the appropriate deadline.**

May 2025 Graduates: Apply to Graduate January 1, 2025 – March 15, 2025

If you do not submit the form by the appropriate deadline, a $20 Apply To Graduate Late Fee will be imposed and you will not be eligible for guest tickets to the Commencement ceremony. If you have questions regarding your degree requirements, please contact your Dean’s Office or your advisor.

How do I get my cap, gown, and tassel?

Please see the cap and gown pick up information.

Is there a rehearsal?

Commencement rehearsal is scheduled for Friday, May 9, at 1:00 p.m. Meet in the Ice Arena in Roos House and line up behind your School flag. Rehearsal is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. 

What time should I arrive for Commencement?

Students participating in the commencement ceremony must arrive inside the Ice Arena in Roos House by 8:30 a.m. This will ensure that participants are not delayed in the incoming traffic on campus. This will also allow time for the Marshals to direct degree candidates to their proper place in the processional line.

Students who arrive late will need to wait until the procession has completed and will not be seated with their school/degree program.

Guests should plan to arrive early enough to park their vehicle and make their way to Roos House. Doors to Roos House will open at 8:15 a.m. The Commencement procession begins at 10:15 a.m., with the ceremony beginning promptly at 10:30 a.m.

Are there special accommodations for those with disabilities?

Interpreting services will be provided on stage for the hearing impaired during the Commencement ceremony.

Mobility impaired guests can be dropped off at the main entrance of Roos House. Please be sure to have your guest ticket with you for entrance. Limited disability parking will be available behind Roos House in Lot 23 for cars with official persons with disability identification.

Guests with disabilities should plan to arrive early for the best seating availability. For guests with wheelchairs, walkers or other mobility issues that are unable to navigate the bleachers, ground-level seating will be available. This seating is limited; we ask that you please call 315-386-7838 to inquire about special seating.

How long is the ceremony?

The ceremony lasts approximately two hours, and all candidates present at the ceremony will be recognized individually by name as they cross the stage.

When do I get my diploma?

Diplomas will be mailed to May graduates during the summer once all requirements for graduation are confirmed.

Are there any restrictions?


SUNY Canton cares about the safety of its new graduates and their families. We ask that attendees do not bring backpacks or large bags into the Field House. As a precaution, all items may be inspected before visitors enter the Field House for the Commencement ceremony. The College appreciates your cooperation in making this a safe and memorable event for all.

Animals at Commencement

While we allow guests who utilize service animals to bring their important companions to Commencement, it is inappropriate for animals not trained to deal with large crowds, noise, and confusion to be part of the celebration. Animals are NOT allowed at Commencement, except SERVICE ANIMALS required to perform tasks for persons with disabilities.

New York State Law prohibits leaving an animal inside a confined vehicle in extreme heat or cold without proper ventilation or other protection. For the safety and comfort of the animals and our guests, it is important that pets be left at home. Guests who insist on bringing pets to the ceremony will be asked to leave immediately. No exceptions will be made for graduates or guests.

Balloons and Selfie-Sticks

Balloons and Selfie-Sticks are NOT ALLOWED in the Field House. Balloons can do damage to the facility’s air handling system and selfie-sticks disrupt the flow of the Commencement proceedings. Please refrain from bringing them to Commencement.

Can my children walk across the stage with me?

No. Children are not permitted to walk across the stage. We welcome children to attend the ceremony. However, there is no supervision or childcare provided while a parent participates in the ceremony. Please have an adult present with children at all times during the event.

Do children need a ticket?

Yes. Due to capacity restrictions, all guests need a ticket to enter the building including small children and infants.

Will there be photos at the ceremony?

There will be a professional photographer on site to take individual graduate photos prior to the ceremony in the Ice Area floor. Please arrive on time to ensure that your photo is taken.

There will also be professional photos taken while graduates are crossing the stage.

A link to these photos will be shared with graduates after the photos have been processed.

Special Events Coordinator
Amber Baines
Phone: 315-386-7918