Academic Support Services and Instructional Technologies
Helping students achieve their highest potential both personally and professionally
Administrative responsibilities for these areas fall under the direction of the Provost, Dr. Peggy De Cooke.
Advising & First Year Programs
Providing quality academic advising to students, advisor training to faculty, and guidance to students transitioning to college.
Career Services
Providing students with tools to supercharge their job search, explore their career, pursue graduate work, and connect with recruiters.
Preparing minority and economically disadvantaged students for careers in scientific, technical, engineering, mathematical, and health-related professions.
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
Making higher education possible for motivated students, economically and educationally disadvantaged.
International Student Initiatives
Providing specialized services, guidance and resources to welcome and support students from all over the world.
Learning Commons (Library & Tutoring)
Providing students and faculty with a rich environment of resources and services to enhance their academic success.
Online Learning (Instructional Technologies)
Committed to online excellence – for both the online student and teacher.
Student Accessibility Services
Facilitating equal access to all services and programs at SUNY Canton.
Veteran’s Affairs
Providing opportunities, guidance, and resources for soldiers, veterans, and their families.

Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs
Peggy De Cooke, Ph.D.
SUNY Canton
MAC 606
34 Cornell Drive
Canton, NY 13617
Fax: 315-386-7945