Current Students
Supporting Success
We're committed to providing you with all the tools and resources you need to be successful from your first day of class to graduation.
Student Accessibility Services
Academic adjustments can be made to ensure access to your online courses.
Advising & First Year Programs
Quality academic advising and transition assistance for online students.
Betty J. Evans Tutoring Center
Offering fully online as well as face-to-face tutoring in a variety of subjects.
College Tips
As a member of the academic community, you are expected to conduct yourself as a professional and adhere to certain professional standards.
Goal Setting
Goals create a road map for your success. Once you set your goals, it is easier to get focused and track your progress.
Getting Involved
Your engagement with the campus, your instructors, and your peers will help you enjoy your college studies and succeed in your courses.
Learning Styles
No two people learn the same way. Find out how you learn best and what strategies will help you maximize your study time.
Time Management
When studying, even your best intentions fail if you don’t manage your time well. You can improve your ability to function more effectively, in spite of not having much time.
Study Skills
There are several things you can do to ensure that you’re studying effectively and learning the materials.
Student Life
We're committed to providing you with all the tools and resources you need to be successful from your first day of class to graduation.
Campus Event Video Collection
Live presentations and engaging archived content for the entire campus community.
Online student engagement tool. Participate in clubs, organizations, and Student Government.
Student Government Association
The governance voice of the students, providing a means of student cooperation.
Other Information
Program Integrity Regulations
Student Complaint Process
SUNY Canton follows the complaint resolution policies and procedures outlined within the SARA Policy Manual and summarized on their webpage for Student Complaints. Consumer protection complaints resulting from distance education courses, activities, and operations may be submitted to SUNY Canton for investigation and resolution. Information on SUNY Canton’s Complaint Procedure and contact information for filing a complaint is located on the webpage SUNY Canton’s complaint procedure. If a student is dissatisfied with SUNY Canton’s resolution, a concern may be submitted to System Administration of the State University of New York as outlined on the SUNY Office of University of Life webpage for student concerns. And, if still not satisfied, a complaint may be submitted, within two years of the incident about which the complaint is made, to the New York State Education Department webpage on how to file a complaint about a college or university. Please note that this does not include complaints about grades or student conduct violations, which are to be fully addressed via campus processes, not through the NC-SARA complaint resolution procedures.
NC-SARA Member
SUNY Canton participates in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA). SARA's policies help protect students and provide benefits to both states and institutions carrying out distance education in multiple states.
Mandatory Professional Licensure Disclosure
Professional licensure requirements vary from state to state. SUNY Canton academic programs are designed to meet New York State licensure requirements and may not meet requirements from other states. SUNY Canton provides disclosures, per federal regulations, on its licensure programs.
SUNY Canton is a participating member of The National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). NC-SARA aligns with federal disclosure requirements. NC-SARA’s Professional Licensure resources include the Professional Licensure Directory and Frequently Asked Questions.