Tutoring & Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity Statement

All staff of Tutoring Services uphold SUNY Canton's Academic Integrity Policy. All students who use Tutoring Services are also expected to uphold the policy. Specifically, tutees must accurately and honestly communicate with tutors regarding the source of assignments, assignment guidelines, and instructors' expectations. Failure on the part of any student to adhere to established policies and expectations may result in consequences as outlined in SUNY Canton's Academic Integrity Policy.

Preparing for a successful tutoring session

  • No appointments are required. Students are helped on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • Available in-person and virtually. Students have access to tutoring and a multitude of resources both in-person and virtually via Microsoft Teams.
  • Seek assistance early and often. Do not wait until the day your assignment is due or an hour before class starts to meet with a tutor. Plan ahead and allow yourself enough time to attend several tutoring sessions if necessary.
  • Arrive prepared. Have assignments, assignment guidelines, class notes, the course syllabus, textbooks, research, etc. available for your session.
  • Ask specific questions. Your tutor will want to have a conversation with you about your assignment, and a conversation requires input from both sides. Let your tutor know what concerns you have about your assignment and ask lots of questions!
  • Sign in to the tutoring lab’s log-in computer for every visit. Doing so helps us better serve students in the future! Each log-in computer is located in the Learning Commons lobby, just as you walk into the Tutoring Center. A virtual log-in will be available for all sessions in Microsoft Teams.

Betty J. Evans Tutoring Center
Learning Commons
SUNY Canton
34 Cornell Drive
Canton, NY 13617

Phone: 315-386-7228
E-mail: tutoring@canton.edu

Spring 2025 Hours of Operation:

Sunday, 1:00 PM to midnight
Late Night Tutoring

Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Business & Accounting Lab
Writing Center

Monday-Thursday, 5:00 PM to midnight
Late Night Tutoring

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