ELL Resources

Many ELL students find it useful to spend an hour or more each day in the Writing Center. It provides a quiet place to do homework or to work on writing projects, with the added advantage of a knowledgeable tutor nearby to answer any questions that may arise.

There are also dedicated resources available to help students meet the reading and writing components required in their academic programs.

To learn more, please contact us by stopping by the Writing Center (Learning Commons, 1st floor Rm 123) or email: writingctr@canton.edu.

Additional ELL Services

Betty J. Evans Tutoring Center
Learning Commons
SUNY Canton
34 Cornell Drive
Canton, NY 13617

Phone: 315-386-7228
E-mail: tutoring@canton.edu

Spring 2025 Hours of Operation:

Sunday, 1:00 PM to midnight
Late Night Tutoring

Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Business & Accounting Lab
Writing Center

Monday-Thursday, 5:00 PM to midnight
Late Night Tutoring

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