Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
"...every student capable of completing a program of higher education shall have the opportunity to do so."
The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) provides access for New York State students who demonstrate academic potential and a desire to earn a college degree. The program assists students who are both academically and financially disadvantaged. Students enrolled in EOP receive additional services to support their success, such as:
- One-to-one-personal/academic counseling
- Free individual tutorial assistance
- Opportunities for career development
- A four-week / in person pre-college summer program for fall entering first-time students that helps them adjust to the campus and college life. The summer program is mandatory and free.
The EOP office is located in the Miller Campus Center room 234. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. For more information, please contact the EOP Office at 315-386-7226.
EOP Student Bios
Kylee Donnelly
Kylee Donnelly is an EOP student from Massena majoring in Applied Psychology. Kylee has been a highly involved student on campus with a promising future who caught the attention of the college’s EOP staff.
Mellinia Morrison-Perez
Mellinia (Mimi) Morrison-Perez of Monroe came to SUNY Canton for its picturesque landscape and made the college her home.
Anikko Serrano
Anikko Serrano of the Bronx came to SUNY Canton in 2020 during the height of COVID restrictions. The senior Electrical Engineering Technology major said he struggled with his studies during his first year in relative isolation before realizing all the resources available to assist him with his college career.
34 Cornell Drive
Miller Campus Center 234
Canton, NY 13617-1037