Funeral Services Administration Online Learning Program

The Program

The Bachelor of Technology degree in Funeral Services Administration is open to new students, transfer students and funeral directors who have passed the National Board Examination and are licensed. This is the only bachelor’s degree in Funeral Services Administration in New York State and one of only a few in the country. The program is offered in three modalities: On-Campus, Synchronous and Asynchronous Online.

Students in this Major

  • Participate in classes, Practicums, and Internships that provide theoretical education as well as practical training and experience in all phases of the funeral service profession including embalming, funeral directing, funeral customs and traditions, and restorative art.
  • Are eligible to take the National Board Examination required for licensure, upon completion of the program requirements.
  • Experience a learning environment that is rigorous yet supportive and flexible.
  • Can choose elective courses in their field of interest such as business, coroner preparation, or Human Services.
  • Will be involved in online and on campus courses. Periodic team meetings with the instructor are required throughout the semester to ensure student engagement in the learning process.

NOTE: Sharing of any recordings with non-funeral service personnel is strictly prohibited. This includes posting or discussing on any type of social media websites. Violating this rule is a breach of confidentiality and will result in immediate dismissal from the program.


The Funeral Services Administration program at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Canton, is an accredited program by the

American Board of Funeral Service Education (ABFSE),

992 Mantua Pike, Suite 108, Woodbury Heights, NJ 08097;; (816)233-3747.

National Board Examination pass rates, graduation rates, and employment rates for this and other ABFSE-accredited programs are available at ABFSE LINK.

To request a printed copy of this program's pass rates, go to the office of the FSAD program Director, Cook 109 or by email at, or by telephone 315-386-7170.

Program Learning Outcomes

Professional Licensure Disclosures

Professional Licensure Disclosures in Federal Regulations take effect July 1, 2020 668.43(a)(5)(v). Institutions are required to make public whether a program will fulfill educational requirements for a specific professional licensure or certification. Institutions are required to make public whether a program will fulfill educational requirements for a specific professional licensure or certification. These requirements apply to all programs offered via all modalities (distance education and not). Institutions will be required to disclose, for each state, whether or not the program meets such requirements, or whether the institution had not made such a determination. 668.43(c) License Requirement Direct Disclosures The regulations require direct disclosure to individual students in circumstances where an offered program has been determined not to meet or where the institution has not made a determination as to whether the program meets the education requirements for licensure in a state where a prospective student was located, as well as to students currently enrolled in a program that ceased to meet such requirements. For students currently enrolled, institutions would have 14 calendar days to directly disclose that they had made a determination that a program did not meet state licensure or certification requirements for the state in which the student is located. For prospective students, the disclosure must be made prior to the student’s enrollment in the program. The disclosures must be made directly to the student in writing, which may include through email or other electronic communication. 668.50 Professional Licensure Disclosures that previously only applied to distance education students are now replaced with a requirement that applies to all programs that lead to licensure or certification (or should lead to licensure or certification), regardless of the delivery modality of those programs. NC-SARA expectations.

For institutions participating in NC-SARA the policy includes: direct written disclosure to the student that the institution has not made a determination of the professional licensure applicability of the program. In such cases, the institution must include the contact information for the licensing board in the state where the student is located.



The program has been designed in 3 distinct modalities:

  1. On-campus learning
  2. Synchronous online learning via Brightspace Virtual Classroom - Students are present in the online lectures during the designated time of the lecture via Brightspace Virtual Classroom
  3. Asynchronous online learning via Brightspace Virtual Classroom - Students who wish to watch lectures at a different time than designated will watch the lecture recordings that are stored in Brightspace Virtual Classroom

Students who are choosing synchronous or asynchronous online learning must be employed by a funeral home that is registered with the Department of Health Bureau of Funeral Directing in good standing and is approved by the Program Director:

  1. It is the student’s responsibility to establish employment with a funeral home prior to entering the program.
  2. All funeral homes must be approved by the Program Director and must sign an affiliation agreement with SUNY Canton to become “Volunteer Adjuncts and Preceptors” to be able to host students and sign embalming reports.
  3. No matter what modality is chosen, students are required to complete all coursework as designated by the instructor.

Courses that require direct funeral home interactions and involvement:

  1. FSAD 121- Analytical Embalming (synchronous online, asynchronous online)
    1. Minimum of 5 embalmings in the funeral home are required (for lab portion)
  2. FSAD 129 Clinical Practicum (all modalities)
    1. Minimum of 5 embalmings in the funeral home are required
    2. Minimum of 5 funeral services are required
    3. Time logs are required
    4. Student and Preceptor evaluation required.
  3. FSAD 211 Embalming and Aseptic Technique (synchronous online, asynchronous online)
    1. Minimum of 5 embalmings in the funeral home are required (for lab portion)
  1. FSAD 307 Human Response to Death (synchronous online, asynchronous online)
    1. Students will complete a checklist of tasks under supervision of a funeral director
    2. Students are required to participate in an Online lab to plan and organize funeral arrangements with a SUNY Canton adjunct.
  1. FSAD 323 Restorative Art (synchronous online, asynchronous online)
    1. Online students MUST serve a residency at SUNY Canton, the weekend prior to Spring Semester Break. This residency is designed to evaluate the students’ technical skills in embalming and restorative art.
    2. At this residency, students will embalm a cadaver while the Program Director evaluates their technical competency skills. This is to be in compliance with ABFSE Standards 5.4.6.e.
    3. Embalming Lab reports will be completed by the students upon completion and uploaded to the Brightspace Restorative Art classroom space.
    4. Students will demonstrate dressing, casketing and cosmetology on the cadaver while the program director evaluates their technical competency skills. Students will further treat special areas that need restoration, as needed. This is to be in compliance with ABFSE Standards 5.4.7.
  1. FSAD 440 Internship (all modalities)
    1. Minimum of 10 embalmings in the funeral home are required
    2. Minimum of 10 funeral services are required
    3. The students will demonstrate basic skills relating to accuracy for funeral home paperwork and filing procedures for a death certificate on DAVE.
    4. Time logs are required
    5. Students will complete a project in the funeral home. A brief essay is required describing the project.
    6. Students will write an obituary
    7. Student and Preceptor evaluation required.
  2. For synchronous and asynchronous tracks, a minimum of 25 total embalmings are required inside of the funeral home and participate in 15 funerals, including corresponding paperwork.

Work Life Balance and Possible Challenges

Students should be spending 3-4 hours outside of lecture time for each credit hour that is taken. Meaning that a standard 3 credit course will require 9-12 hours of study time outside of the set lecture time. This can be daunting for students to prioritize and set aside appropriate time for course work. It is important to start polishing time management skills such as prioritizing and scheduling to ensure that all work is being completed on time for every course, along with all duties that you may have outside of school. We understand that many of you have families, jobs, and outside activities that require your attention, however, your academics should be very high on that priority list. We want you to be as successful as possible in our courses.

Instructor Contact Information

  1. Dr. David R. Penepent Program Director
    1. Office – Cook 109
    2. Phone: 315-386-7170 (O), 585-356-4929 (C)
    3. Email:
  2. Darien Cain - Lecturer
    1. Office – Cook 105
    2. Phone: 315-408-0258
    3. Email:
  3. Stephen Button, JD - Adjunct
    1. Office – Cook 107
    2. Email:
  4. Tionya Spriggs - Adjunct
    1. Office – No On-Campus office
    2. Email:
  5. Zachery Smith - Adjunct
    1. Office – No On-Campus office
    2. Email: –

Other Information Technology

Minimum Technology Requirements

Internet Connection: A broadband connection such as cable or DSL is preferred. Ethernet connections are highly recommended for test taking.

Dial-up and Wi-Fi connections introduce connection interruptions when taking tests in Brightspace. • Operating System: To be able to participate in this online course, your operating system must conform to these Technology Requirements.

Web Browser: For the best possible experience in this online course, we recommend using browsers based on Open SUNY Online Course Browser Compatibility. In addition, use the “Open SUNY Browser Compatibility” module on your Bb login page to check system compatibility for every login.

Hardware: Please see the list of required hardware from the list of Technology Requirements.

Additional Software: To be able to fully participate in this course, you are required to use the following software: Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint (or PowerPoint Viewer), Adobe Acrobat Reader. [*Specific course requirements might differ. Software downloads are available at Technology Requirements

Microsoft Teams: Some courses will utilize Microsoft teams. You may sign up for free using your Canton login credentials.

Students must have a working camera and microphone to communicate with the instructor. Some courses do contain oral exams.


Technical Support Information

For issues with NetID, passwords, or campus email:

For issues with Brightspace (BS):

  • Contact the Open SUNY Help Desk
  • Call 1-844-673-6786
  • Submit a ticket at SUNY Online Support Services
  • Visit: SUNY Online Support Services Helpdesk for hours of operation

Find more student resources at SUNY Canton Brightspace Info Center


All communications must be within the acceptable netiquette rules. Please review the college’s Computer Use & Network Policy.

We have a ZERO tolerance policy for bullying, harassment, or hate speech of any kind.

Library Services

SUNY Canton Southworth Library
34 Cornell Dr.
Canton, NY 13617
Phone: (315) 386-7228
Text: (315) 254-2770

Academic Conduct

Students are expected to comply with all academic and behavioral standards established in the SUNY Canton Code of Student Conduct, Rights, and Responsibilities (Code). The Code is published in the Student Handbook and is accessible from the SUNY Canton homepage. If you are caught cheating, I will report the matter to the Academic Dean. DON’T Cheat! Cite your source using APA 7 style. Use Purdue Owl to generate the citation.

If you cheat, you will receive a zero for the assignment or test and will be turned in to the Academic Standards Committee. If you cheat a second time, you will receive an "F" for the class. Cheating also includes but is not limited to: failing to cite your source(s) using APA 7 style, sharing assignments with other students, posting or retrieving assignments from "cheating websites," and copying another student's work. Cheating will not be tolerated.

Grading Scale for Course

Course grades: A-F, 3 credits

From % To % Letter grade
D+ (will need to retake)
D (will need to retake)
F (will need to retake)

NOTE: FSAD 121 Analytical Embalming and FSAD 211 Embalming and Aseptic Technique can only be repeated twice. After the second failing grade in either one of these courses, the student will be dismissed from the program.

Accessibility Policy

Any student with a documented disability who is eligible for, or has questions regarding accommodations, should contact SUNY Canton’s office of Student Accessibility Services.

Title IX

If You Are Sexually or Otherwise Assaulted on Campus:

Copyright Policy Statement

  1. Copyrightable, intellectual property produced as a requirement of a grant administered by the Research Foundation of the State University of New York will usually be in the name of the Research Foundation, and any royalties derived will be distributed and utilized in accordance with the grant requirements and the policies of the Research Foundation.
  2. Copyrightable, intellectual property produced incidentally to a grant administered by the Research Foundation of the State University of New York will usually be in the name of the Research Foundation. Royalties accruing from these materials will be placed in an account of the Research Foundation in the name of the creator. The funds may then be used to support the individual’s creative activities. If the Research Foundation decides not to market the material, the individual can request title to the copyright and will have the option of receiving any royalties as personal income or placing them in a Research Foundation account to support additional creative activities.
  3. Copyrightable materials produced as part of an individual’s responsibilities as a SUNY employee will belong to SUNY. Any royalties derived from such materials will be distributed to SUNY, the Research Foundation, and the College according to an agreement executed between SUNY and the Research Foundation on April 20, 1984.
  4. Copyrightable property produced by college employees which is not a requirement of their SUNY employment and which there was no use of college resources or assistance by college personnel will belong to the person creating the material.
  5. Copyrightable property produced by college employees which is not a requirement of their SUNY employment, but which utilizes significant college resources or requires significant assistance from college personnel during the creation, will be subject to an agreement executed between the College and the creator. This agreement will describe the property being created, recount the resources to be utilized or the assistance required, and detail the sharing of any royalties derived. The creator will meet with his/her supervisor, the Vice President for Administration, and the Director of Information Services and Online Learning as appropriate for the work being created for the purpose of executing this agreement. The meeting will be held as early in the creative process as possible. The Vice President for Administration will forward the proposed agreement to the Research Foundation and any other agencies as appropriate to ensure compliance with their policies.
  6. Sharing of any recordings with non-funeral service personnel is strictly prohibited. This includes posting or discussing on any type of social media websites. Violating this rule is a breach of confidentiality and will result in immediate dismissal from the program.

Tuition and Fees

Please see SUNY Canton’s Tuition and Fees pag.

State Licensure Requirements

Although our program is based in New York, we accept students from all over the country. Licensure requirements vary from state to state. You may view the state specific requirements through the International Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards. SUNY Canton is a member of The National Council of State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NE-SARA). Protocol for enrollment verification: Each FSAD distance learning student has a biannual phone conference with their assigned FSAD advisor. The student and the advisor meet, via TEAMS, to discuss the courses needed for the following semester. The agreed upon courses are documented in DegreeWorks, then the advisor releases the student’s registration code.

Testing Online

In addition, distance learning students use the Internet to take their examinations. The testing system on Brightspace uses Lockdown Browser as a means identifying the student taking the exam. Lockdown Browser records the students during the exam. The instructor can review the recording to verify the identity of the test taker. Lockdown Browser does not work on Apple products, such as iPhone, MacBooks, or Mac Tablets. The student is responsible for making the necessary accommodations to use a PC device for testing purposes.

Funeral Services Administration
David Penepent, Ph.D.
Program Director & Associate Professor
Cook 109
(315) 386-7170

Darien B. Cain, MS
Cook 103
(315) 386-7110