Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement Leadership - Program Description

The Law Enforcement Leadership program blends the disciplines of criminal justice, law enforcement and management. It provides the foundation to allow graduates to seek entry positions in law enforcement or to seek promotion into supervisory and management positions. Most graduates of this program will seek employment with law enforcement agencies, other governmental agencies or in the private sector. Since the program provides ample opportunities for electives, students may choose electives that may help them to develop or hone management skills, or acquire knowledge and skill in law enforcement techniques.

Students in this Major:

  • Develop leadership and managerial skills to succeed in law enforcement agencies
  • Analyze critical issues in law enforcement
  • Study under the tutelage of experienced law enforcement professionals
  • Are exposed to current issues and state-of-the-art technology
  • Culminate their education with a semester-long internship or additional course work
  • Can choose to take all classes for degree online!

Career Opportunities:

  • Law enforcement officers at local, state and federal level
  • Law enforcement management for municipal, state and federal agencies
  • Probation and Parole
  • Security consultants
  • College and University campuses

Career Outlook:

  • Jobs for graduates in law enforcement are projected to increase by 7% through 2020 according to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • Higher education requirements for entry level employees of law enforcement agencies at all levels are becoming more common.

Admission Requirements:

  • Refer to the table of high school course prerequisites for admission.
  • Students must be prepared to take College level math (GER1).
  • Students must be prepared to take Composition and the Spoken Word (ENGL 101).
  • Transfer students must meet re-registration requirements to be considered for admission.


Semester I Credits

Prefix Course Name Credits
JUST 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3
BSAD 100 Intro to Business 3
ENGL 101 Composition and the Spoken Word (GER 1/2) 3
PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology (GER 7) 3
  Math Elective4 (GER 4) 3

Semester II Credits

Prefix Course Name Credits
JUST 112 Criminal Law & Procedure 3
SOCI 101 Introduction to Sociology (GER 7) 3
  American History Elective (GER 9) 3
  Humanities Elective (GER 6) 3
  General Elective 3

Semester III Credits

Prefix Course Name Credits
CITA 110 Intro to Information Technology 3
JUST 204 Crime and Media 3
MATH 141 Statistics (GER 4) 3
  Science Elective w/Lab (GER 5) 4
  General Elective 3

Semester IV Credits

Prefix Course Name Credits
JUST 201 Critical Issues in Criminal Justice** (GER 3) 3
JUST 207 Police Services 3
JUST 209
BSAD 200
Law Enforcement Communications OR
Business Communications
  Liberal Arts Elective (Any GER) 3
  General Elective 3

Semester V Credits

Prefix Course Name Credits
JUST 321 Managing Law Enforcement Training 3
JUST 344 Civil Liability Issues for CJ Admin 3
BSAD 301 Principles of Management 3
  U/L Program Elective2 3
  U/L Program Elective2 3

Semester VI Credits

Prefix Course Name Credits
BSAD 319
JUST 314
Professional Ethics OR
Ethics and Criminal Justice
JUST 333 Managing Patrol Function 3
  U/L Program Elective2 3
  U/L Program Elective2 3
  General Elective 3

Semester VII Credits

Prefix Course Name Credits
BSAD 375 Leadership and Decision Making 3
JUST 335 Criminal Justice Agency Management 3
JUST 429 Intro. to Culminating Experience1 1
JUST 449 Current Issues in Law Enforcement 3
  General Elective 3
  General Elective 3

Semester VIII Credits

Prefix Course Name Credits
JUST 430 Culminating Experience in Criminal Justice3 OR 3-15
  U/L Program Elective2 3
  U/L Program Elective2 3
  U/L Program Elective2 3
  U/L Program Elective2 3
  U/L Program Elective2 3

Program Elective = JUST, BSAD, ECON courses

  1. This course is only required for students intending to take JUST 430 Culminating Experience in the 8th semester.
  2. Program Elective = JUST, BSAD, or LEST courses
  3. Students may elect internships that are worth 3-15 credits. Those who elect less than 15 credits of internship must complete additional approved electives to complete the degree requirements
  4. MATH 111 or higher is required* If you are enrolling in a course that is a prerequisite for a required course in your program, your TAP eligibility may be affected.

** Writing Intensive course

NOTE: All newly admitted transfers and freshmen must attain a passing grade of 2.0 or greater to receive credit towards graduation for any UL JUST course.

U/L = Upper Level course (300/400)
GER=General Education Requirement

Review the Index of Course Descriptions

CJ: Law Enforcement Leadership
Lisa Colbert
Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor of Practice